Coronary arteries, radiography
A. coronaria sinistra
A coronaria sinistra,
R circumflexus
A coronaria sinistra,
R interventricularis
posterior, Var
A, coronaria sinistra,
R marginalis sinister
A coronaria sinistra,
Rr interventriculares
A coronaria sinistra,
R. interventricularis anterior
* Catheter in the aorta and in the
opening of the left coronary artery
Fig. 899
Left coronary artery, A. coronaria sinistra;
the beam is directed obliquely from right anterior to left
coronary angiography;
posterior (RAO).
A. coronaria sinistra,
R. interventricularis
A. coronaria sinistra
A. coronaria sinistra,
R marginalis sinister
A coronaria sinistra,
R. circumflexus
A coronaria sinistra,
Rr interventriculares septales
A coronaria sinistra,
R interventricularis posterior, Var
* C atheter in the aortic bulb
and in the opening of the left
coronary a rte ry
** Shadow of the catheter in the
descending thoracic aorta
Fig. 900
Left coronary artery, A. coronaria sinistra;
the beam is directed obliquely from left anterior to right
coronary angiography;
posterior (LAO).
A coronaria dextra,
R. coni arteriosi
A coronaria dextra,
R atrioventricularis
A coronaria dextra
A coronaria dextra,
R marginalis dexter
A coronaria dextra,
R interventricularis posterior
A coronaria dextra,
(R posterolateralis dexter)
C atheter in the aorta and in the
opening of the right coronary
Shadow of the catheter in the
descending thoracic aorta
Fig. 901
Right coronary artery, A. coronaria dextra;
coronary angiography;
the beam is directed obliquely from left anterior to right
posterior (LAO).
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